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Jenna Andrews



Jenna joins Working Fields with over 17 years of experience in business management. While working for corporations where the bottom line was all that mattered, she started feeling a sense of emptiness, wanting more from her career spiritually. She met people every day who struggled to even get out of bed but would somehow show up to work. Being in HR/Management she would take the time to stop and talk to the associates, showing them that she valued and appreciated them. Jenna knew she wanted a career change, so she started looking for a company that aligned with her thoughtful and person-first approach to work. Jenna was drawn to Working Fields when she learned about Mickey’s story and how he founded Working Fields to help people facing challenges. She is excited to be on a staff team with like-minded individuals supporting others and strongly believes this is where she is meant to be. “I can finally use my life experience, strong work ethic and passion for all things humanity.”

When not working, Jenna is all about new adventures and making lasting memories with her family. She has a passion for animals of all kinds, finds complete bliss in the forest, and loves concerts, live music, museums, and all artistic things showing one’s freedom of expression.