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November Newsletter for Community Partners


Nov 27, 2023

Jails to Jobs Profile on Working Fields

Working Fields was recognized as a leader in the fair-chance employment movement this week by national organization, Jails to Jobs.

The organization, which provides resources and support to promote second chance employment around the United States, recently added Working Fields to a shortlist of exemplary fair-chance employers.

Jails to Jobs also spotlighted the Working Fields fair-chance staffing agency model in a Second Chance Employer Profile, from founding to current operations. Employers interested in learning about inclusive hiring practices can use these profiles to see how peer organizations across the U.S. are successfully employing untapped talent.
Read the full profile of Working Fields HERE.


We've Got Jobs — All are Welcome!

Do you know someone looking to work? We're here to help both traditional and nontraditional jobseekers find a fulfilling career that meets theirs needs. Everyone is eligible.

Working Fields is a staffing agency that offers standard employment services, such as job placements, while also going beyond with free peer coaching and trauma-informed account management. We have jobs in several industries including the trades, administration, healthcare and more. Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Check out our jobs HERE for a wide range of openings up to $28/hour! Send a referral HERE.


Save the Date for These Events

ASA Webinar: "Tapping Untapped Talents: Fair-Chance Hiring"

Virtual | November 28th | 2-3pm: Come hear Working Fields own Chelsea Bardot Lewis and one of our board members, Jodi Anderson Jr., speak about getting started in fair-chance hiring and expanding your talent poll. Learn more and register HERE.

NHBSR Webinar: "Hidden Workforce, Untapped Talent"

Virtual | December 6 | 12-1pm: Tune into this panel featuring Working Fields to discuss inclusive employment. This webinar also features the RFW Initiative and Substance Free Workplace. Learn more and register HERE.


New Office in Dover!

We've got some big news! Working Fields is excited to share that we have a new office in Dover. This regional expansion enables us serve more jobseekers and employers in our work to enrich and strengthen local communities.

If you are an employer or jobseeker in the Seacoast area, we'd love to hear from you!

Come say hi! Office address on our website HERE.


Help us Welcome Kait!

Kait joins Working Fields with a background in community-based nonprofit work in the sports industry where they focused on creating accessible and welcoming spaces for all. After retiring from a 6-year professional athletic career in 2020, Kait began a journey to heal from a history of intergenerational family trauma which informs their deep belief in the value of peer support and community in building a secure and meaningful life.

Kait grew up in Vermont and currently calls Montpelier home. Outside of work, they can be found knitting, painting, and exploring the mountains.

Kait steps into the role of Strategic Communications Coordinator where they will oversee and execute Working Fields communication strategy. Please reach out if you have events or offerings you want us to share!

Get in touch with Kait at to welcome them!

Follow us on socials: Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram


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