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March Newsletter for Community Partners


Mar 07, 2023
Get updates on upcoming events and useful resources with a newsletter written for our community and referral partners. Not on our list? Sign up for the newsletter here.

Spring Contest: Send Referrals, Win Prizes

Hey community! We're kicking off a contest with prizes for you and your organization. 
All you have to do to enter is send us referrals. We'll do the rest. As for the prizes... πŸ†πŸ†

For Your Org: $500 to Any Nonprofit
We're giving away $500 to the nonprofit of your choice. If your organization is a 501(c)3, that can be you!

Any organization that refers 10 jobseekers by June 30 will be entered to win. That's around 3 people per month. We'll announce the results in July, so stay tuned.

For You: A Mug & Local Coffee
Be the envy of the office with your very own Working Fields mug (believe us, it holds a tremendous amount of caffeine).
To win a mug, submit an employer referral. If we sign the employer on as a partner, we'll deliver you a mug and a stash of local coffee!
Why employers? You know your area best and have valuable insights into local businesses with the best environment, highest pay, or most openings. When we offer a diversity of jobs, we provide a better experience.

Just fill out this form & note it's a referral.

Welcoming All Jobseeker Referrals

We work with anyone to provide free, full-time employment support. Referrals from our community are the most effective way to identify individuals who could benefit from our services.
Check out our 185 openings here, or click here to refer someone to us.

Upcoming Events

St. Albans: We're Hosting a Job Fair!
It's a double header at the Turning Point Center! We'll be there twice in one week to host anyone looking for work or curious about our jobs.
We are hiring throughout Franklin County, VT. Plus, we have a van that brings people to jobs they couldn't reach otherwise.
So come meet the team, eat some lunch, learn about our services, and check out the center!

Register or share the event here.

Find Us Here in March & April

St. Patty's Cookies with Turning Point Center of Chittenden County
  • When: 1-2pm on Friday 3/17
  • Where: Turning Point Center of Chittenden County
  • What: Eating and decorating cookies for some social time on St. Patrick's day. Stay to chat if you need work.

Brattleboro Job Fair with DOL
  • When: 11-3 on Wednesday 3/29
  • Where: Brattleboro, VT
  • What: We're hosting a table at the Brattleboro job fair, presented by the DOL. Hope to see you there!

RICH Conference with SOS Recovery
  • When: 4/4 & 4/5
  • Where: Portsmouth, NH
  • What: We're learning, presenting, and networking with our community at this peer recovery conference.

Mickey Wiles Wins Tammy Bushell Award

If you tuned into Recovery Day, you already heard the good news! Our CEO and founder Mickey Wiles has received the 2023 Tammy Bushell Award in recognition of his substantial contributions to creating recovery-friendly workplaces in Vermont.
The award was presented by Tammy Bushell, who is not only the award's namesake, but as head of HR at Edlund Company, is also one of Working Fields' longest clients.
β€œThis award is only possible because of all the work done by our incredible team. This really is a Working Fields award,” shared Mickey.

Read more here.

In the News: Greenfield Recorder

Our office in Greenfield, MA has deep roots in the community, including a robust work-release program.
A recent $94K grant aims to expand that program. Inmates and formerly incarcerated people will gain steady income while building entrepreneurial skills and experience in food production.

Read the article here.

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